Counselling is a process of discovery and recovery – learning to resolve the issues you are faced with, so that you can move towards your healing.

How did we get started?

What happens in Counselling?

Identify patterns and habits that are no longer serving you

Clarify issues, explore options, develop strategies

Work through trauma and abuse and loss of all kinds

Tell Your Story and Work towards your own goals

Receive respect, support and guidance

What People seek in Counselling?

To find hope and support 

To clarify issues and find the skills and capacities to promote their own well-being.

To Identify patterns and habits and how to change them

To receive respect, support and guidance

To promote the mental health and well being for individuals and their loved ones

“There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in”


Confidentiality is an integral and crucial part of your relationship with your counsellor. Your privacy is very important to us, and your counsellor will talk to you about the ways in which we safeguard your privacy.